John Berger pointed out in his book I think is called Ways of seeing that men gather a feeling of power from standing over images of naked women so that would mean Playboy is the working guys answer to the Metropolitan Museum, just joking, sort of, well not really. How powerless must a man feel to need to feel power over her by all forms of sexist behavior...ugh. I am pro-sex but can we get honest about what is really going on?
East Village garbage to the brim, advertisement w/porno look, sexploitation East Village style, recycle, sexually recycle, recycle, eco wake up call!
Remember to recycle in any way you can, including your attitudes about women and how you "see" us and to also practice safe sex!!!!
How sexist and dopey is this ad? The East Village has been gentrified, supersized and that includes advertisements with mega build boards and stupidity like "party like a rock star and live like a Rockefeller" all playing to the "wannabe fantasy". Gentrification has become supersification and that includes advertisements in the East Village, Lower East Side and Bowery as in another sign of the times = welcome to the new hideous soulless new york.
East Village garbage to the brim, advertisement w/porno look, sexploitation East Village style, recycle, sexually recycle, recycle, eco wake up call!
Remember to recycle in any way you can, including your attitudes about women and how you "see" us and to also practice safe sex!!!!